
CS For All

CS Standards For Alaska K-12 Lessons aligned to Alaska Standards - Google doc is updated once a year in the summer

Train the Trainer Pilot for Alaska Districts

For our first pilots we selected and have been working 2 districts in 22-23. Matsu aand Fairbanks stepped up to get thier staff member trained to provide computer science K-5  professional development  when it right for them. Timing is everything.  We are looking to  offer this opportunity to 3 more distcits in 23-24. provides training  for your staff member to support other teachers during inservices, after school  training and jsut genreal support.  ASDN provides one of our experiance facilitators to help get your staff person get  started and pairs up with them for their first traings.  

Target Goals


Contact me if you are interested.  

Cheryl Bobo